SOS! The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens is Sheryl Gould‚' guidebook for parents who seek to keep their children safe online—away from inappropriate content, strangers, and cyberbullying—by equipping them to have the important conversations.
With over fifteen years of experience coaching parents and working with families, Sheryl Gould understands how overwhelming and stressful it can be to monitor a child's internet usage for their safety and mental wellbeing. She created the organization Moms of Tweens and Teens as a way to support parents as they implement effective parenting strategies and reconnect with their children.
In SOS! The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens, Gould's approach works through common conflicts about screen time as it leads parents away from nagging and arguing with their children and creates more opportunities for "face-to-face time." In this guidebook, parents will find:
Restore sanity, get on the same page and rebuild relationship with YOUR tween or teen with SOS! The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens!