The story of the United States military is the story of the country itself. Both have grown and changed over time. Learn about the unique histories, traditions, weapons, leaders, stats, and fun facts of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, and Space Force, and their roles within the military in this fun and fascinating guide!
From the few hundred soldiers in its ranks when it was first established, to the over one million service members today, the U.S. military has grown in power and size over its 250-year history. Its organization and branches have changed to adapt to new technologies and national needs. The Handy Armed Forces Answer Book: Your Guide to the Whats and Whys of the U.S. Military looks at each branch of the U.S. military. It answers more than 500 of the most intriguing questions, including ...
How is the U.S. military organized?
How do the branches work together?
When did the Army Air Corps become the U.S. Army Air Force?
What is the selection process like for Special Forces?
Who was the Continental Army's first Commander in Chief?
How does the military rank structure function?
How does somebody become an Air Force officer?
What was the "Brown Water Navy"?
What is the motto of the Coast Guard?
How many bases does the military have?
What is the Marine Corps Hymn?
Did any Coast Guard vessels serve in combat?
What type of aircraft is Air Force One?
Who said "Retreat? Hell! We just got here!"
Who were the Buffalo Soldiers?
What are the Blue Angels?
What is the most challenging USAF plane to fly?
What is the origin of the Coast Guard "racing stripe"?
Does the Space Force have any operational bases?